14460 Charter Oak Blvd.
Salinas, CA 93907
(831) 633-0103

Photo by: Jerry Gifford
We have an abundance of wildlife in the Oak Hills area to include Coyotes, Bob Cats, Deer, Raccoons, Skunks, Opossum, Owls, Hawks, Eagles, Kites, Falcons, and Turkeys to name a few. Please respect the animals that have the right to live in this interface while not encouraging wildlife to encroach onto private property. Your personal safety, the safety of your pets and the preservation of your private property depend on your actions.
Injured Wildlife
As a general rule, if you find a wild animal in distress, do not move or disturb it. Call The SPCA Wildlife Center for help. SPCA Wildlife Rehabilitation Technicians are available to rescue and rehabilitate wild animals in need 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Never attempt to treat or keep a wild animal yourself. Not only is it illegal, but injured and orphaned animals have specialized needs that only trained and experienced technicians can provide. Just one day of the wrong diet can permanently injure or kill a wild animal.
You can call the SPCA at (831) 264-5427 during regular hours, or 24 hours a day at (831) 646-5534. For more information, please visit the SPCA website.
Photo by: Jerry Gifford

To keep coyotes and other wildlife wild, we can follow a few, simple preventative measures:
Always keep trash and compost in a secure bin
Keep your barbecue grill clean
Keep the area under your fruit and nut trees free of droppings
Avoid feeding pets outdoors (if you must feed pets outside, feed during the daytime and
remove the uneaten food as soon as the animal has finished).
Feeding wildlife and feral cats can attract coyotes. In addition to coyotes eating the food, mice and other animals will be drawn to leftovers, which can subsequently attract predators such as foxes and coyotes.

Photo by: Jerry Gifford
The deer roam the area freely. There was a recent incident where a deer was hit and killed. Please drive carefully and be on the look-out.
Bob Cats
Minimize Encounters
Should you encounter a bobcat, you should keep as much distance between you and the animal as possible:
Immediately protect children and pets
Back away from the bobcat slowly and deliberately
Avoid running away because that could trigger a pursuit response
If possible, spray the animal with water
When possible make a lot of noise (banging pans, for instance, or blowing an air horn)
Protect Your Yard
If bobcats begin to appear in your neighborhood, you can take several precautions to discourage visits and protect pets:
Trim back excess vegetation that might otherwise provide cover
Do not feed birds or other wildlife, which might attract bobcats
Do not feed the bobcats
Do not leave pet food or water outdoors
Vaccinate your pets
Keep pets indoors or in secure, protective cages or pens
Consider a deterrent that generates electronic sounds that mimic the calls of bobcats' enemies, for instance, the hiss of a cougar

Photo by: Michelle McLeod
Pet Safety
Keep small pets inside when possible and monitor them while outside. While walking dogs, use a secure, 4-6 foot leash and do not let dogs explore vegetation that you can’t see through. It is advised that pets be fed indoors. If pets must be fed outdoors, feed during the daytime and remove food as soon as your pet is finished.
For more information on pet safety, injured wildlife, or tips, visit the SPCA:
P.O. Box 689
Castroville, CA 95012