14460 Charter Oak Blvd.
Salinas, CA 93907
(831) 633-0103
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why do I have to pay assessments to live in Oak Hills?
A: Regular and Special Assessments are the primary funding mechanism to keep Oak Hills operating. Members agreed to the
terms of the Oak Hills Homeowner Association when the home was purchased.
Q: What do Regular Assessments pay for?
A: Regular Assessments primarily pay for (but not exclusively) operation expenses to keep the neighborhood looking nice and to
provide some services like the Pool Facility, Tennis Courts, and the Playground to the Members and Residents. Please Refer
to the Annual Budget Documents for further information.
Q: What are Special Assessments used for?
A: Special Assessments are typically used to cover specific projects usually for a specific purpose. These projects are typically
for capital improvement and/or maintenance of Private Drives.
Q: I heard gun shots in the Greenbelt area. Who should be notified?
A: Immediately contact police by dialing 911. Please note the time and your best guess on the direction and distance to provide
the greatest assistance to authorities.
Q: Why does Oak Hills Homeowners Association charge a fine, or fees for breaking the rules.
A: Fines are simply a way to discourage members that violate the Oak Hills Homeowners Association guidelines which are
spelled out in the OHHA Policies document.
Q: What’s the difference between a fine and a fee?
A: A fine is a nominal charge to encourage compliance with the OHHA Policies. A fee is a recovery cost charged for repair of damages caused by the Member, a Resident, or their guests.
Q: Are the Oak Hills Homeowners Association’s Board members compensated in anyway by any fines?
A: No. No individual person or no predetermined single project benefits from collected fines.
Q: What happens to the collected fees?
A: Fees are deposited into the bank account and used to repair and maintain the facilities.
Q: Why is dumping into the Greenbelt an issue?
A: Illegal dumping is unsightly, unsanitary, and poses certain fire risks to the neighborhood.
Q: I am working on a special project that will require additional disposal requirements. Who do I contact?
A: Start with your contractor that is providing services as they will typically perform haul-off as part of their job.
Q: When are the annual Oak Hills Garage Sales?
A: The Oak Hills Garage sales have been held twice a year, typically in Spring and Fall. Karen Cosentino, of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate, organizes this event for Oak Hills. Her contact number is 831 320-9957. Due to Covid-19, there will
be no garage sales for 2020.
Q: What guidelines do I need to consider for fencing and hardscapes?
A: Fences must be kept attractive and in good repair and must not be allowed to lean or sag excessively. Promptly repair and/or
replace any missing, broken or rotted fence pickets, posts and gates.
Q: When are the Assessments due?
A: Regular and Special Assessments are due on a Bi-Monthly basis starting in January. For example, Jan 1, Mar 1, May 1, etc.
Community Financials mails out a courtesy statement. Assessments are due whether or not you receive a statement and are late on the 45th day of the billing period.
Q: What are my options for payments?
A: There are a couple of options to make payments.
You may pay by check and mail your payment to P.O. Box 173930, Denver, CO 80217-3930
You may work with your bank to set up a Bill Payment. Most financial institutions offer this service for free. All you need is log into Community Financials and set up your account with the account # they provided to you.
Q: What if I need more time to make a payment?
A: Late payments will be assessed a late fee, but you should contact Community Financials to make arrangements for a late payment.
Q: Do I need to pick up after my dogs?
A: Yes. Dog feces are toxic to lawns, causing burns and unsightly discoloring. Beyond your grass, it has been estimated that a
single gram of dog waste can contain 23 million fecal coliform bacteria, which are known to cause cramps, diarrhea, intestinal
illness, and serious kidney disorders in humans. Several “Dogipot” stations have been provided along Charter Oak Blvd,
complete with bags and receptacles for your convenience.
Q: What resources are available for finding my lost pet?
A: Try contacting your neighbors around your house and street. Ask on Nextdoor if anyone has seen your lost pet. Be sure to
check the surrounding neighborhoods.
For further information, check the Pets and Wildlife pages under the Community tab.
Q: Can I plant in the Greenbelt right behind my property?
A: There is nothing in the current CC&R's that specifically preclude you from planting in the Greenbelt. However, please keep
in mind that anything planted there becomes the property of the Oak Hills Homeowners Association. We will not maintain
the plants or be held responsible if the plants are removed during the annual Greenbelt maintenance for fire Safety. We
would hope anything placed there would be native to the area. It would be advisable to contact the office first.
P.O. Box 689
Castroville, CA 95012