14460 Charter Oak Blvd.
Salinas, CA 93907
(831) 633-0103

Oak Hills Amenities
Oak Hills Homeowner Association Tennis/Pickle Ball Courts, Basketball Hoop, Playground, and Pool Facility is at 14460 Charter Oak Blvd. and is only available to Members of the Oak Hills Homeowner Association, residents, and their guests. No Dogs are permitted within the pool. the playground, or the tennis courts.
Access to the pool requires a key card. Access key cards are issued to adult Members and residents (age 18 and over), after signing the Agreements and Rules for Use of Pool and Hot Tub Access. One key card is issued per household. Lost or stolen cards may be replaced at a cost of $25 and the old card will be deactivated. To request access, please contact the office at 633-0103. The Member must be in good standing. By signing the Agreement, Members are agreeing not to share key cards to anyone outside of their immediate household.
If you have more than 5 guests, or wish to have a party at the facility, permission from the board and a $100 refundable deposit is required. To request authorization, please complete the Party in the Pool Agreement and return it to the office.
The access gates lock at specific times and change throughout the year. Please pay close attention to the gate closing times.
P.O. Box 689
Castroville, CA 95012